The most commonly referred to benefit of solar energy is its limited impact on the environment. Nations throughout the world are developing technologies and creating tax incentive programs to help reduce the effect of global warming. The more renewable energy that is used, the fewer fossil fuels we must dig for and use.


Beyond this critical reason, there are other reasons to consider adding solar panels to residential and business locations throughout Staten Island and the other surrounding boroughs.

More affordable than ever: the price of purchasing and installing solar panels has come down substantially from a decade ago. The technology and production rates of panels have allowed for prices to drop. Local, State, and the Federal government offer incentives to home and business owners, which further drives down the cost of solar panel installation on Staten Island.

Make some money: when a user generates more energy than they need, they can sell that excess energy to local energy companies. Wouldn’t it be nice to not pay for electricity?

Low maintenance: once panels are installed, there is very little maintenance that is necessary throughout the year. Rooftop panels should be cleaned at least once or twice a year to ensure panels get the maximum amount of unfiltered sunlight. Dirt and snow block sun rays, which will lessen the amount of energy the panels generate. Many systems have an extended warranty of 15-years and more. In many cases, systems are known to last for up to and beyond 40 years.

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