Gas and electricity are becoming more expensive, and so homeowners need to find creative ways to circumvent high costs for monthly bills. Do you ever see your energy bill and wonder why it is so high? Have you tried to lower monthly costs to no avail? If you are fed up with the prices, consider turning to solar panels. Ten years ago solar panels could not power a home, but with modern advancements that is not the case. Consider joining the growing trend of homeowners through the United States that are installing solar panels on their property. If you need some convincing, considering some of the recently published statistics about solar energy.


In the United States of America, residential use of solar power is becoming more popular with each passing year. According to CNBC, solar installations in the US doubled in 2016. They go on to estimate that roughly 1.3 million installations have happened across the country (cumulative capacity of over 40 gigawatts). The Association for Solar Energy Industries claims that only 1 megawatt is needed to power 164 homes. Forty gigawatts could potentially power 6,560,000 homes. Greentech Media reported that solar power installation accounted for the highest electricity generating capacity across any energy source.

Solar panels work, and they help to save the environment and you money. Consider adding panels to your property. We are insulation contractor, We provide insulation consultations throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island.For solar panels staten island, give us a call.